Tutorial 20 Minute Make WEDDING INVITATIONS With CorelDraw x4 x3 x5 x7 x8

Good Morning Every Body ... Sunday again ngak no work drumah let us gather in GuruCorel so many new sciences that we can, terkususu to design science.

This sunny morning I am very happy although I can not play anywhere because dsuruh janitorial, I'm still happy because there are laptops that accompany it. 

With this laptop I will try to share Tutorial CorelDraw For Beginners why do I say to a beginner? Because out there there are many masters of design that already has the ability level of a god. whereas I'm just a kid who kept trying to be using CorelDraw.

It was for the opening of this tutorial, we will focus further discuss  Tutorial 20 Minute Make WEDDING INVITATIONS With CorelDraw x4 x3 x5 x7 x8 yups this tutorial you can do in less than 20 minutes. why like that because in pembuatanya very easy.

In the world of design that make long is the process of finding ideas, how to create a simple design but of quality.
Well here's a step in pembuatanya. For an invitation that I make has a size of A4, which is divided menajadi 2 lipetan so we have four sides that can we design. 1. Open Worksheet Corel Draw your pet.

To invoke the new worksheet, you can press the icon above, or click onNew Document or you can also press Ctrl + N

2. Upon entry into the worksheet is now setting his sheets into A4 size.such as the above shows the image of your A4 size with jelis Landscape or sleeping position.

3. Degan enable Recrtangle tool (F6)  create two rectangular pieces of A4 size was as apparent in the image above.

If you do not have time to Make it you can download it here Ornemen 

Free Download 12 VECTOR ORNAMEN Corel Draw

4. Here your creativity tested in use the Pen tool. Create a pattern like that dipanh blue image using the Pen tool and then paint it with the colors orange sepseti image above.
5. Square that you created earlier are colored Black,  Then put ornaments that have been made for Its header section, below keposisi kemdian Copy Mirror se [erties image above.
6. Give an interesting article in the middle-tengahn Orange color ornaments that have been made. here I use the font Black Magic I think this font is perfect, if you have a font that is catchy, go ahead.

7. Back again with the Pen tool you are required to create labels like the above, you must already champion in the making, jd not need me explain lagki.

the final result for the invitation Corever part 1, as seen above.

8. Cover for part 2 I use two color combinations with the help of coloration as shown above.

9. kemudaian you add images cicin to beautify it, to image the ring itself can be found easily on Google Image Sreach.
10. Add the first letter substitute names on the invitations that have been made.

2 cover design can result in the image above dilihta ya ...
Tutorial 20 Minute Make WEDDING INVITATIONS With CorelDraw x4 x3 x5 x7 x8
11. To fill part 1 here I make it very simple so do not bullied yes ... there are two combinations of fonts that I use, Black Magic and Coventry garden.Please you imagine yourself how to make a charming background.

12. for the body I gave two orange color combination in the middle of the square is colored red. 

  • Turn Interaktife Fill Tool (G) and then click on the square and set tingakt thickness panjanganya color. you can see the image above. 
again you mengguka  Pen Tool to create ornaments like the image above.

13. do coloring with a tool that I panh No. 1, 2 and 3, or you can also create their own yaang will certainly sema

Tutorial 20 Minute Make WEDDING INVITATIONS With CorelDraw x4 x3 x5 x7 x8
and tara .... result of Contents 2 is as shown above, 
stay you combine it with some of the designs we've created over the line.


Tutorial 20 Minute Make WEDDING INVITATIONS With CorelDraw x4 x3 x5 x7 x8

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